The Revvy service is engaged in promoting the local business: helps its customers to improve the rating on geoservices and keep customers. And also increases the number of positive reviews on business on the Internet, works with negative reviews, thereby increasing sales growth and attracting new customers.
We were contacted by honey. DAVINCI center from the city of Rostov-on-Don with a request to conduct medical marketing to promote dentistry, attract patients, raise the rating, increase loyalty to the brand and establish feedback with customers.
Tasks assigned
The Revvy team developed a strategy and set tasks:
Increased awareness of the organization.
Receiving feedback from customers.
Ranking of ratings.
Increase the number of positive feedback from customers.
What they did
The DAVINCI Medical Center shopify website design uses the Infocline CRM system. Revvy has ready-made integration with the infocline. Our implementation specialists quickly established a chain of interaction “company + CRM + Revvy + WhatsApp”
We analyzed and identified key sites where customers are most often looking for a clinic and read reviews on it.
They gave recommendations on the competent design of the organization's cards on geoservices Yandex Maps and 2GIS, so that the algorithms correctly read them and promote business when searching. Also advised to describe in detail the services and prices.
4. To receive feedback and increase the number of reviews, we sent a message to each client in WhatsApp with a request to assess the quality of services. Then, if the review is good, asked the client to write about his experience on one of the three proposed platforms: in Yandex Maps, the Search Service of the Prodctors, Google Map.
5. Negative reviews were processed as shown in the example above. Thus, the number of published negative reviews on the Internet has decreased. And customers began to return - the clinic had the opportunity to increase the check and convince the client, making it permanent
What results have been obtained
In one month of work we have achieved:
1. Of the 2369 queries received 1286 answers, of which 171 clients left a review and rated in search services: Yandex Maps, Prod.
2. Card recognition increased by 103.99%, which means the arrival of more customers and an increase in sales growth.
3. Thanks to positive reviews, the rating has increased: